Friday, July 17, 2009

Tametable for Homeschooling

Homeschool Schedule

A good calendar is an ingredient not to be forgotten as part of your overall homeschool schedule and homeschool lesson plan.
After taking a high level look at your home school calendar integrated with your family calendar, you may decide that the traditional school year calendar of end of summer through early spring may not be the most advantageous.
There is no stringent time schedule that you must adhere to as is the case in public schools.
As with your home school lesson planning, your scheduling should take into careful consideration your child’s learning style and determine what will work best. If vacations aren’t a part of your plans, there are probably other reasons (such as birthdays) for tailor making your own home school calendar.

While mapping a home school yearly schedule is an excellent idea, remember to allow for flexibility in the schedule. Any school year, especially since the school year is taking place also centered around your home and your family, will have the need for unforeseen breaks and absences.

Homeschoing Curriculum

Homeschool Curriculum - Do I Need It?

Homeschool curriculum and books are plentiful. Do you really need to purchase a home school curriculum or can you save some money and home school with books alone? Here are some thoughts that can help you make your decision:

1. You need a core plan - Whether you purchase a home school curriculum or develop your own, you need to know what you want to accomplish.

2. Focus on reading, writing and arithmetic - Any good home school program focuses on the basics.

3. Know how you and your child learn best - Learning style plays a key role in how you and your children will learn. In public school teachers can’t really teach based on learning style because of the volume of students they have to work with. If you don’t know yours or your child’s learning style you can take an assessment online and find out. Then when you decide to choose curriculum or books you will know what types of resources you need.

4. Use your resources - In the early days of home schooling there wasn’t much available to parents.

5. Do you use a curriculum to learn something yourself? Do you buy a curriculum to learn or do you read books, listen to audio and watch videos? Your children need to see you have a love for learning.

Choose Homeschooling curriculum

How Do I Choose Homeschool Curriculum

Homeschool Curriculum - How Do I Choose?

The availability of home school curriculum can be a blessing and a curse. There are many books and programs to choose from, but trying to choose can be quite overwhelming.

1. Consider learning style - Look at how you and your child learn best. Knowing yours and your child’s learning style can help reduce the amount of “wrong” curriculum that you purchase. If you have a clear picture of how everyone in your home learns best, then you can choose books or curriculum accordingly. This can save money and frustration in the long run. You can go to home school conventions, used curriculum fairs or have the curriculum sent to you by using “Curriculum Fair in a Box.” As you are looking at or thinking about what your child needs, you can jot that down in the proper column for each child. You might have many items under each subject for each child.

Choosing books, curriculum, and resources to use in a school year doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. If you know how your child learns best, know what is available, and focus on what you want to accomplish for that year you can save yourself quite a bit of frustration.

Right Homeschool Programe

Finding The Right Homeschool Program

Probably the single most relevant point on this would be to keep in mind that the eventual best home education program for your situation and style may involve pulling home school resources from more than one home school curriculum.
Many homeschoolers start by using a complete curriculum package. As you gain more experience and confidence, you’ll see that effective teaching is using a combination of educational resources that are readily available (including online home school programs) that round out your personal program and insure your child’s success.
The key to a good homeschooling program is the ‘fit’. Both you and your child have to be comfortable with the homeschool study on an ongoing basis. If you start out with a good base program as a roadmap, you can then tailor it to fit your needs.
This helps to determine what type of learner your child is, and their ability to apply their skills.
As you now know, a good home school curriculum will draw from many educational sources and will direct the child to discover and learn the material and not just memorize answers.